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Membership Benefits Vary
Depending Upon The Membership Type
Each Member receives a BOB Membership Card. Made out of a lightweight poly plastic which is durable against any water damage.
All cards have an assigned Personal Membership Number, a Name, City Chapter and an Effective Date. Plus Members are encouraged to sign the back of the card.
Membership Cards are Non-Transferable.
Members received at least 5% and up to 50% regular retail prices off BOB Member Products and Services.
Discount Amounts are granted at the discretion of Participating BOB Members. Some products and services may have lower or higher discount rates than others. We're allowing the BOBs to set their own discounts based upon their profit margins and cost.
Plus this standard takes into account any special sales and holiday pricing.
BOB Bonus Points increases Customer Loyalty. It attracts more Customers to your business without doing the hard work of developing a Customer Retention Program.
On the other hand, BOB Members can earn 1 Bonus Point for every dollar spent at a Participating BOB.
Participating BOBs set their own Bonus Point/$1.00 spent ratio structure for their products and services. We provide free help to any BOBs needing help itemizing their inventory for this benefit.
For example, if you buy 5 pairs of shoes your next pair will be absolutely free!
Bonus Points are calculated by amount of the Customer's purchase. Businesses who don't utilize a POS System (Point of Sale), customers are required to keep a copy of their receipts for redemption.
Customers can participate at a number of yearly networking functions:
BOB Quarterly Nationwide Webinars
BOB Conferences and Conventions
Public Events and Trade Shows
Members are encouraged to contact each other for advice and to build relationships nationwide, especially similar business types.
Please Subscribe to our weekly email blasts to keep in touch!
We're so serious about getting the word out that Members can earn $5.00 for every New Membership enrollment.
When you become a BOB Member, you'll receive a Complete Membership Kit which includes Marketing Materials.
Members can personalize the backside of the business cards and New Members can enroll instantaneously at BOB business locations. You can learn more about how this works by calling our Customer Service Team at (888) 665-5955.
If you're thinking about starting a New Business for the first time or just need some advice. We offer Free Consultation Services to all Members anytime.
Plus we designed an Interactive Online Learning Resource Section to help Members.
Our Competition charges for this type of service and advice. We know the irony and understand the difficulty in getting good useful information on how to start a business. If you don't have anyone to consult your ideas with, we want you to join to take advantage of this free resource.
This is a Mega Site, with more than 50 Active Pages. Members have the option to advertise freely on several pages:
Featured Listings on the First Page
Local City Pages (each of the 59 Major U.S. Cities have their own page in the BOB Directory.
Sell your products and services in our Shopping Cart Feature. If you don't have a website this service will work well for you.
The Black Sheets is an affordable non-editorial publication that offers BOBs the opportunity to market their products and services.
The cost to advertise in The Black Sheets is only $15.00 per/month per market.
Each BOB and BFAC Member receives a BOB Membership Kit, which includes.

Throughout the entire year, BOB Rewards Club advertises your products and services on multiple social media platforms and partner websites. This includes over 200 Black Business Sites on Facebook and the Wide World Web. You would like more information, please contact us directly at (888) 665-5955.
Through Social Media, Advertising and Marketing, we reach over 100,000 people every week!
"We get your products into retail distributors and stores worldwide."
"Get Unlimited Advertising for your business on multiple pages on this site and partnering websites nationwide."
"We're working very hard to bring you more membership benefits!"
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