Our Board. Makes the difference.
Board of Directors
The following Board of Directors were approved for office on January 15, 2021
Michelle Gibson Webb
Michelle Gibson Webb, Founder/President
Meet Michelle Gibson Webb, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of BOB Rewards Club. She was born in Tacoma Washington, raised in Saint Paul, Minnesota, and Graduated from Saint Agnes High School, the University of Minnesota, and Cardinal Stritch University. From an early age, she wanted to own a business and help other people become better individuals. Humble, she never strives for personal monetary gain without having an intrinsic mission to change obstacles in other people's life. The love, care, and compassion that she has shown others are deeply embedded in her DNA.
Jasmine Gant
Jasmine Gant, Vice President
Jasmine Patton Gant grew-up in a multi-generational, organic eating, family in the inner-city of Los Angeles, California. Jasmine attended Mount Saint Mary's University and from Mount Sierra College, with a background in Biochemistry and Information Technology. After graduation, she began the development of Emagine Aromatherapy, now known as Aromastories. She apprenticed with a Mayan Medicine Man harvesting and distilling long lost essentials oils indigenous to the California coast and desert.