Capital Staffing Fund: Minneapolis
We operate a full-service operation that requires full-time staff, can you donate some of your time to help us serve Black Communities across the United States?
We're raising ongoing capital funding for 5 Full-Time Staff Members or Volunteers who can assist us in the following areas: Virtual Office Manager, BOB Marketplace Manager, Data Research and Entry Assistant, Marketing Assistant and Accountant.
Our goal is to have 59 BOB Virtual Offices with a combined BOB Marketplace across the United States. One location per/major urban area. For more information about the locations, please go to the BOB Directory on this site.
First we're focusing on the City of Minneapolis. Minneapolis, Minnesota remains to be one of the worst places for Black Americans to live for decades. There remains to be one of the largest wealth gaps between Whites and Blacks, with low graduation rates, lack of affordable housing and a growing homeless population, not to mention the difference in treatment when it comes to politics, business and civility.
Please give what you can to support this campaign, we want to hire qualified personnel to manage our Minneapolis location. Any cash donation, sponsorship or volunteer would help this campaign.
Thanks for your gratitude!

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